The Jefferson County Stormwater Coalition is composed of 9 municipal members. Created in 2014, the Coalition members are able to comply with the federal stormwater regulations and improve water quality in a cost-effective manner. At this time, the Coalition is funded through membership fees and grants.
The Coalition meets on a quarterly basis. Currently the Jefferson County Soil and Water Conservation District provides services to the Coalition and serves as the Stormwater Program Coordinator.
An MS4 is.....
a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System that is a network of pipes, ditches, and other structures that manage stormwater runoff in urban areas. Essentially, it's the system that collects rainwater and directs it away from buildings and streets to prevent flooding. The MS4 is owned and operated by the local government and is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ensure that the stormwater runoff is clean and doesn't cause pollution in nearby bodies of water.
Stormwater (or polluted runoff) is rain or melting snow that flows over the ground. In urban or developed areas, Stormwater runs over pavement and parking lots, picking up oil and other pollutants before flowing into a nearby river or stream. In more natural areas including forests and wetlands, Stormwater can soak into the ground, or be stored and filtered. To learn more about Stormwater Management, please visit the Jefferson County Stormwater Coalition.